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THE DECISION TO BECOME AN ORGANIC FARM The decision to take the plunge and put the farm into Organic conversion was actually quite easy. We thought long and hard for several months about the future of the farm . It was obvious that major changes had to be made since the future of small family farms was becoming more and more uncertain. We were also becoming concerned about some modern farming practices and their effect upon human health and the environment. At the same time, there began to be a marked increase in the demand for Organic produce. Having visited several established farms in various parts of the country, read as much information as we could, and taken advantage one and a half days of free advice from experts at Elm Farm Research Centre, there really was no other decision to be made. It had become obvious to us that the Organic option was the only way forward. We registered with the Soil Association and our two year conversion began on 1st May 1998. We became fully Organic in 2000. THE CONVERSION PROCESS The main reason for the conversion period is to halt the application of any chemicals (herbicides, pesticides and non organically produced fertilizers) and to allow time for any residues of such products to leave the soil. We spent time over those 2 years trying to establish an abundance of clover into our grassland. As with other legumes, clover has the ability to stabilize nitrogen from the atmosphere, which helps to increase fertility in the soil and to enhance grass growth. Looking back now we wonder why we ever farmed with the use of chemicals. We now value more than ever the most valuable commodity on the farm which is manure. Careful composting and use of this animal by-product, along with the establishment of clover leys have worked wonders. Time heals and we feel that our land is healthier and more productive now than it has been for many years. Who knows what demands will be made of future generations who will farm Shortwood, but we are certain that as long as this generation farms here, there will be no more use of chemical, fertilisers, herbicides or pesticides.
More information about Organic Farming
can be found in the Exhibition Area